Webs mbti kişilik türü


"Webs hangi kişilik türü? Webs, MBTI, 9w8 - sx/so - 'de ISFJ kişilik türüdür, RLOAN, RLOAN, büyük 5, ' dır."

Webs deserved better. "Webs is pleasant but stern, with a maddeningly slow voice. He is infamous in the SeaWing tribe for deserting during a battle and later stealing Tsunami's egg for the Dragonet Prophecy, causing others to constantly speak of his treachery. While caring for the dragonets, he taught them everything he could and tried to bring back prey they liked and was much kinder than the other guardians. However, he never stopped Dune and Kestrel from abusing the dragonets. Riptide later mentioned that Webs has always been considered weak and cowardly. However, he did truly care for the Dragonet Prophecy, as he was willing to leave behind his wife and son in order to help fulfill it. He hates killing other dragons. Similar to Nautilus, he believed peace was the most important thing, even at a cost. He always believed it when he told the dragonets that it was for peace. He does not like being alone without any support and could not understand why the dragonets ran off by themselves. He felt incredibly guilty about what happened to the Summer Palace and blamed himself for the attack. He believes education is important." - Wof Wiki.


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