1. İnsanlar ve Karakterler
  2. Edebiyat
  3. SCP Foundation

SCP-054 "Water Nymph" mbti kişilik türü

SCP-054 "Water Nymph" mbti kişilik türü image


"SCP-054 "Water Nymph" hangi kişilik türü? SCP-054 "Water Nymph", MBTI, 9w8 - sp/so - 974 'de ENFP kişilik türüdür, SCUEI, SCUEI, büyük 5, ' dır."


SCP-054 is a feminine humanoid composed entirely of water. The humanoid must periodically return to a body of water or else risk succumbing to evaporation. Being subjected to experimentation by male personnel has left the poor thing with severe mental scars and a sense of aggression toward men.

SCP-054 "Water Nymph" 'e benzer karakterler Edebiyat
