Tim Wright mbti kişilik türü


"Tim Wright hangi kişilik türü? Tim Wright, MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - 584 'de ISTP kişilik türüdür, RLUAN, RLUAN, büyük 5, SLI' dır."

e5?? why? I'm really baffled at where those votes are coming from. is this fanon perception?? e6, e6 or maybe e9 make the most sense to me. the difficulty here would be that he's literally under stress all the time in the series lmao. not to be stereotypical but this guy's solution to being in danger is literally to rush at it head first (remember when this mofo literally tried to tackle slenderman? 😭) which doesn't sound like either e9 or e5 to me. in the series, he's highly suspicious, anxious and cynical. he's not afraid of butting heads with Alex on set, often countering him with sarcasm. he's the most physical and typically "heroic" of the guys, often taking the role of a protector of sorts - he has a tendency to put himself between dangers and others, and often is a voice of "reason"/safety, especially to Jay. he's also pretty reclusive though friendly. an interesting quality of him is that I don't see him as particularly afraid of vulnerability? dunno

