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Sully Sullenberger mbti kişilik türü

Sully Sullenberger mbti kişilik türü image


"Sully Sullenberger hangi kişilik türü? Sully Sullenberger, MBTI, 6w7 - sp/sx - 692 'de ISTP kişilik türüdür, RCOEN, RCOEN, büyük 5, SLI' dır."

ISTP. Instantaneous reaction and highly practical manner of problem-solving. Hudson was a split-second decision and he pulled it off unswervingly. I'm seeing a rock-solid combo of Ti+Se here. Of course, this is just based on one incident of his career, so I'm open to other arguments. But just looking at the Hudson ditch, hearing record and interviews, ISTP seems the strongest suit. I don't see any ISTJ functions that exceed ti and se to have manifested in the way he dealt with this crisis. Abandoning all the runways in favour of A FREAKIN' RIVER is not the likely approach of a tradition-manual-oriented Si. I suspect a Si-dom pilot would have attempted to head to the nearest airport, giving everything they have in order to land the aircraft safely through fm measures. ---- In the interview he says: "...a realization that unlike those other flights I'd had for 42 years, this one would probably not end on a runway without the aircraft damaged. [And I was okay with that. As long as I could solve the problem.]" Wow. Never seen Ti lead with Se support at a finer level. This is an ISTP with a steady tert. Ni too, and obviously having inf. Fe / shadow Fi helped massively. -The way he was able to set his priorities and make such a quick decision to ignore everything else, speaks volumes about how his mind works. He is a man of efficiency and task-practicality. -A well-developed and calculated inf. Fe shown in that even under intense pressure, he had chosen words for the PA announcement carefully for the specific reason: "courage can be contagious." -Also, he focuses on the recollections of his bodily reaction, which, of course, any human would have felt regardless of the Se's presence in their function stack. However, the way he selected and emphasized certain details just shows how alert he is to his surroundings, and that sensory images are at the core of analyzing his experience.


Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger III (born January 23, 1951) is an American retired Air Force fighter pilot, airline captain & nominated diplomat. He is best known for his role as pilot in command in "Miracle on the Hudson" event in 2009. Seeing no better option, he ditched the Airbus A320 of the US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River after both engines were damaged by a contact with a flock of geese. Birds aside, no humans died.

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