1. 名人和角色
  2. 电视
  3. Juvenile Justice

Cha Tae Joo MBTI性格类型


"Cha Tae Joo是什么人格? Cha Tae Joo是MBTI中的ENFJ人格类型,九型中的2w1 - sp/so - 217,五大类型中的SCOAI,Socionics中ESE类型。"

I'm just so in love with him.


Cha Tae Joon is a main supporting characters in the South Korean drama Juvenile Justice. He is one of the associate judges for the juvenile criminal division in Yeonhwa district. When he was young, he was also a delinquent, and now he is working to give better future for the kids with legal troubles. He is portrayed by the actor Kim Moo Yul.
