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Jimmy (SolidarityGaming) MBTI性格类型

Jimmy (SolidarityGaming) MBTI性格类型 image


"Jimmy (SolidarityGaming)是什么人格? Jimmy (SolidarityGaming)是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的6w7 - so/sp - 782,五大类型中的SLUAI,Socionics中ESE类型。"

I’m a bit unsure which ExFP he his, but Fi-Te axis is certain. Whenever you see his interactions with his fan base, you can tell there’s subtle hints at Fi like his in-game connections to his cat Norman or visions of himself as the “hero” in many of his player-to-player interactions built upon by fantasies of himself. You can also tell he frequently attempts to exert Te such as with his “enemies” in the Empires SMP or Double Life, although Fi often comes out such as when Pearl returned his horse. I am slightly leaning toward ENFP rather than ESFP, because Ne is a bit more scattered in terms of its thoughts and ideas, which have loose connections to each other, and you can see some of that spill into his commentary frequently. I also want to type him as a 7w8 because most of his videos are centered around having fun experiences and interactions rather than having a strict goal set to them. 8 comes out because he often gets frustrated when he feels he has no autonomy within a situation, such as when he was being trapped by the yellows in Double Life.


SolidarityGaming is a popular Minecraft content creator. He is a former member of the X-Life and 3rd Life SMPs and a current member of the Empires and Last Life SMPs. He is a toy.
