Blake Ritson MBTI性格类型


"Blake Ritson是什么人格? Blake Ritson是MBTI中的ENFJ人格类型,九型中的3w4 - so/sx - 358,五大类型中的SLOAI,Socionics中EIE类型。"


Blake Adam Ritson (born 14 January 1978) is an English actor and director. Blake was born on 24 February 1978 in London and attended the Dolphin School in Reading, Berkshire until 1993, before going to St Paul's School in West London on an academic scholarship. He then attended Jesus College, Cambridge, where he studied English and Medieval Italian, graduating in 2000. While a student he acted on both stage and screen, playing Paul Etheridge in White Chameleon, Fleance in Macbeth, and Augustus in Tom Stoppard's Arcadia (1996) at the National Theatre in productions directed by Richard Eyre and Trevor Nunn. Ritson is engaged to actress Hattie Morahan, whom he met at Cambridge University. They have a daughter, Amity, born in August 2016 and are living in North London. Ritson is the brother of Dylan Ritson, with whom he directs and writes. Ritson is best known in recent years for playing King Edward III in the TV miniseries World Without End (2012).
