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SOUL [Snowgrave Route] MBTI性格类型

SOUL [Snowgrave Route] MBTI性格类型 image


"SOUL [Snowgrave Route]是什么人格? SOUL [Snowgrave Route]是MBTI中的ENTJ人格类型,九型中的3w2 - sp/sx - 385,五大类型中的RCOEI,Socionics中LIE类型。"

I am honestly surprised that this route is voted as INFJ. Personally I Don't see any Fe. Or do people think manipulative = Fe? All Manipulations in this route are Te rather then Fe. We aren't manipulating her feelings like: >*Forcing her to kill enemy* And then picking option alike: >"What if Susie found out about this?" To crush her will or smth. But rather we are using pure Te to manipulate. We are making her use Iceshock to kill every enemy to raise her Magic Level and Boldness. If its efficient = its good. ◾️Example N1: *Ferris Wheel Conversation* Noelle: I... I wonder if Susie wants to..." Noelle: ...Gosh who Am I Kidding?" >Option: I will ride it with you. Noelle: I KNOW there is a catch with you, Kris! NO thanks! >Option: Noelle will ride with me. Noelle: ...h-huh? I mean... S-Sure, if you, um...really want to! Noelle: (... Since when did Kris get so ...) ◾️Example N2: *Freeze Ring Dialogue* Pink Addison: Maybe I could interest you in a FreezeRing? Noelle: I don't think WE need something like that! Pink Addison: C'mon angel! You can't get stronger without good equipment! Noelle: Stronger...? R-right, I guess thats how things work here... >Option: Get it. Noelle: H...h-huh? Kris, you'd buy it for me...? ... Noelle: S-sorry, we don't have that much money! >Option: Get it. Noelle: You were asking ME to get it? You know we can't afford that. >Option: Get it. Noelle: W-what... are you asking me to do? You... aren't asking me to just...? >Option: Get it. Noelle: K-Kris, no, I... not me, I could never... >Option:Get it. Noelle: I... (Casting Iceshock sounds) (You got the FreezeRing.) ◾️Example N3: *Mouse Puzzle 2* Noelle: Look Kris... Another puzzle! How are we gonna solve it...? >Option: Proceed. (We push Noelle further to Electrical Forcefield.) Noelle: H-how? There's nowhere to go. (We continue pushing her until she is right in front of it.) Noelle: If we move any further... I'll be... I'll be... >Option: Proceed. (Here Noelle uses her magic to "solve" the puzzle) We basically FORCE her to use magic or she gets killed. The same happens in Berdly fight. We FORCE her to use Snowrgrave. We are using Noelle's weak willpower and dependent nature to use her powers on full-efficency mod to turn her into our pawn for future plans. (Te-Ni) So now answer me how is this route INFJ? I can remember maybe only 1 Fe usage, but thats it. So how is this route a Fe user?


类似SOUL [Snowgrave Route]的游戏角色
