1. 名人和角色
  2. 历史
  3. Historical Figures (1800s)

Olga Alexandrovna (Grand Duchess Of Russia) MBTI性格类型

Olga Alexandrovna (Grand Duchess Of Russia) MBTI性格类型 image


"Olga Alexandrovna (Grand Duchess Of Russia)是什么人格? Olga Alexandrovna (Grand Duchess Of Russia)是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的7w8 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

I'm open to changing this, but her independence and creativity point to ENFP. I could see INFP or something like that but ENFJ goes off her character, there is likely Fi in her while I can't find the Fe. She also described herself as being similar to her INFP niece Olga Nikolaevna, something many other people also noted.


Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna of Russia (Russian: О́льга Алекса́ндровна; 13 June [O.S. 1 June] 1882 – 24 November 1960) was the youngest child of Tsar Alexander III of Russia and younger sister of Emperor Nicholas II.

类似Olga Alexandrovna (Grand Duchess Of Russia)的历史名人
