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Rock Type MBTI性格类型


"Rock Type是什么人格? Rock Type是MBTI中的ISTJ人格类型,九型中的8w9 - sp/so - 863,五大类型中的RCOEN,Socionics中LSE类型。"

I had a thought that could be interesting. For ISTJ Type 1, 5, and 6. ISTJ 1: Steel. Very adamant and set in its way. Fixed. ISTJ 5: Ground. Grounded by detachment (Electric Immunity) No interruptions as they work on their mental labours. ISTJ 6: Rock. Hard, yet Brittle. Offensive, but with defensive stats. Fossils. Resurrected in a new world. While they are old spirits. Afraid of the change. Having nothing to cling to, but their past memories, and what new impulses wish to tell them.


A type made up of Pokémon with mineral bodies, prehistoric Pokémon brought back to life through Fossil Revival, or those just durable enough to be considered rock-like. Many of them are physically strong in both attack and defense. Rock attacks are particularly effective against a lot of types; hitting Fire, Bug, Ice, and Flying super effectively while being resisted by Ground, Fighting, and Steel (if a hypothetical Pokémon had all 18 types simultaneously, it would still be weak to Rock moves). Defensively, they resist Poison, Fire, Flying, and Normal, but they are weak to five different types: Water, Grass, Ground, Fighting, and Steel. They tend to reside in caves, arid lands, and mountainous regions. The type is best known for having several moves that can be taught to a large variety of Pokémon via TMs or Move Tutors like Rock Slide, Stone Edge, and Stealth Rock, as well as a lack of moves that are both powerful and accurate. When a sandstorm is raging, Rock-type Pokémon are unaffected by the residual damage from the sandstorm, and their Special Defense is boosted by 50%. In the Trading Card Game, Rock-type Pokémon are part of the Fighting energy type.
