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Fire Type MBTI性格类型


"Fire Type是什么人格? Fire Type是MBTI中的ESFP人格类型,九型中的7w8 - sx/so - 783,五大类型中的SLUEN,Socionics中SEE类型。"

Makes sense, se dom for experiencing lots around them with fi giving them the firery aspect when they act on their emotions without much foresight for others (leaving burns).


Pokémon with power over fire, lava, and all forms of heat. Most of them are Glass Cannons, but surprisingly, the type has a lot of resistances (Bug, Grass, Ice, Steel, Fairy, itself). Most Fire-Type moves are also capable of inflicting the Burn status, which causes damage while also halving the afflicted Pokémon's physical attack. Fire types are immune to the Burn status themselves, which is handy for the physical attackers among them. They are based on fantastical animals that can breathe fire, but there are a few, such as Magmar and Chandelure, which are more esoteric. Fire is also one of the three starter types. They tend to live in particularly hot areas, like volcanoes, but as not every game has that kind of environment, they can be just as comfortable in caves or urban areas. Due to fire being one of the less naturally common elements, non-starter Fire-types tend to be rare and few in number. Offensively, they are strong against Bug, Grass, Ice, and Steel, but weak against Dragon, Fire, Rock, and Water. Defensively, it's strong against Bug, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel, and Fairy, but weak against Ground, Rock, and Water.
