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Steel Type MBTI性格类型


"Steel Type是什么人格? Steel Type是MBTI中的ISTJ人格类型,九型中的1w9 - sp/so - 153,五大类型中的RCOEI,Socionics中类型。"

Cold, hard, ruthless, ISTJ? Perfect.


The second of two types added with Pokémon Gold and Silver, they are the most defensive type in the game. The strong metal that covers the bodies of Steel-type Pokémon grants them high defenses and a great number of resistances. While weak to Fighting, Fire, and Ground, they resist everything else (except Water and Electric and Ghost and Dark as of Gen VI) and are immune to one type (Poison). Offensively, they hit Ice-, Rock-, and Fairy-Types hard but are resisted by other Steel-, Water-, Electric-, and Fire-Types. All Steel-type moves were Physical prior to Generation IV. Most Pokémon of this type have the theme of armoring or being a creature of living metal, though there are some that don't really fit the bill beyond possessing thick hides. Steel-types can be found in caves, mountain regions, and urban areas. When a sandstorm is in effect, Steel-type Pokémon do not take residual damage from it. In the Trading Card Game, the Steel type is referred to as the Metal energy type.
