Emotionally Reactive People MBTI性格类型

Emotionally Reactive People MBTI性格类型 image


"Emotionally Reactive People是什么人格? Emotionally Reactive People是MBTI中的INTP人格类型,九型中的5w4 - sp/sx - 594,五大类型中的RLUEI,Socionics中ILI类型。"

The truth is, I'd say most people don't like when a person is emotionally reactive. It's just that some types struggle with what to do with this more. People also are turning some comments here into a type vs type dialogue, and the truth is any type can be emotionally reactive. Emotionally reactive people are the people who start yelling at every family function, who can't let you disagree with an opinion and walk away, who get angry every time you like a show they hate. Basically, people who act first think later and for whom other people's feelings come secondary. A lot of people don't get along with this type of person. Some types have an even harder time, and some types also don't tend to act out or tend to keep their feelings to themselves more so they feel they're put in a role where they have to accommodate emotionally reactive people who lash out. If anyone here has ever had a parent or known someone who starts slamming cupboards or breaking things whenever they get angry, that is being emotionally reactive. It's not one incident. Everyone gets mad or has emotions at some point. BEING 'emotionally reactive' is a pattern of behaviour. There's nothing edgy about disliking behaviour that is frankly, often somewhat abusive in nature.

