Lil Yachty MBTI性格类型


"Lil Yachty是什么人格? Lil Yachty是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的9w8 - sx/so - 974,五大类型中的RCUAI,Socionics中SEI类型。"

Is it just me who like actually loves this guy? Everyone jokes about him being such a bad rapper but he has an original style and he just has that positive and happy vibe. Also let’s not forgot he put out an album cover with two men kissing. That’s progressive as fuck


Miles Parks McCollum (born August 23, 1997), known professionally as Lil Yachty, is an American rapper, singer and songwriter. Yachty first gained recognition in August 2015 for his singles "One Night" and "Minnesota" from his debut EP Summer Songs. He released his debut mixtape Lil Boat in March 2016. On June 10, 2016, Yachty announced that he had signed a joint venture record deal with Quality Control Music, Capitol Records, and Motown Records. His mixtapes Lil Boat and Summer Songs 2 were released in 2016 and his debut studio album, Teenage Emotions in 2017. His second studio album, Lil Boat 2, was released on March 9, 2018. His third studio album, Nuthin' 2 Prove, was released on October 19, 2018.
