1. 名人和角色
  2. 电影
  3. Parasite (2019)

Kim Ki-woo MBTI性格类型


"Kim Ki-woo是什么人格? Kim Ki-woo是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的9w8 - sx/so - 937,五大类型中的RCUAI,Socionics中SEI类型。"

*spoilers*At first I thought he was INFP because of how much I related to him personality wise, but he uses Ni rather than Ne. Attaches meaning to the arbitrary rock and sees more into his possible future than his past (Ni). Although he does visualize future in a Ni fashion, he tends to live more in the moment and go with the flow depending on his emotions leading him to partake in riskier actions (Se). He kisses Dahye because he feels like it in that moment, he attempts to kill the maid's husband because he feels like it in that moment.


Kim Ki-woo (김기우) is a main character of Parasite. An English tutor who works for the wealthy Park family. At the beginning, Kim forges his CV to get the job, and he continues using cunning tactics to provide various jobs for his family members in the Park family's estate.
