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  2. 宗教
  3. Early Islamic Figures

Imam Malik b. Anas, Juristic Authority MBTI性格类型

Imam Malik b. Anas, Juristic Authority MBTI性格类型 image


"Imam Malik b. Anas, Juristic Authority是什么人格? Imam Malik b. Anas, Juristic Authority是MBTI中的ISTJ人格类型,九型中的1w9 - sp/so - 153,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

"O, son of my brother. Learn manners before learning knowledge" “He who practices mysticism without learning Sacred Law corrupts his faith, while he who learns Sacred Law without practicing tasawwuf corrupts himself. Only he who combines the two proves true.” I think Imam Mālik (رَحِمَهُ الله) was either either ISTJ or INTJ. His Te is apparent in his inductive reasoning for choosing the amal al Madinah as a source of akham in usul al fiqh. I think his reliance upon trusted, extremely trained experts native to a certain city could seem Si-Fe, but I think it is a Te inclination towards adhering to doctrines set down by experts. It's a sort of induction, rather than a deduction, displaying he prefers Te to Ti. He did not see himself as creating a new school, but rather simply propagating and codifying the already-existent school of Madinah. He saw that during the period of the tabiun tabiun, there weren't many treatises to describe the practice of the salaf within the City of the Prophet (ﷺ), so he took up the work and composed his works as a way to ensure the school of Madinah is perserved. As to whether he was an ISTJ or INTJ, I am not positive and I look for to a debate to discuss it.


Malik bin Anas (Arabic: مالك بن أنس‎, ‎ 711–795 CE / 93–179 AH), whose full name is Mālik bin ʾAnas bin Mālik bin ʾAbī ʿĀmir bin ʿAmr bin al-Ḥārith bin Ghaymān bin Khuthayn bin ʿAmr bin al-Ḥārith al-Aṣbaḥīy, reverently known as Imam Mālik by Maliki Sunnis, was an Arab Muslim jurist, theologian, and hadith traditionist. Born in the city of Medina, Malik rose to become the premier scholar of prophetic traditions in his day, which he sought to apply to "the whole legal life" in order to create a systematic method of Muslim jurisprudence which would only further expand with the passage of time.Referred to as the Imam of Medina by his contemporaries, Malik's views in matters of jurisprudence were highly cherished both in his own life and afterwards, and he became the founder of one of the four schools of Sunni law, the Maliki, which became the normative rite for the Sunni practice of much of North Africa, Andalusia, a vast portion of Egypt, and some parts of Syria, Yemen, Sudan and Iraq.

类似Imam Malik b. Anas, Juristic Authority的宗教名人
