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Stephanie McMahon MBTI性格类型

Stephanie McMahon MBTI性格类型 image


"Stephanie McMahon是什么人格? Stephanie McMahon是MBTI中的ESTJ人格类型,九型中的6w7 - so/sx - 631,五大类型中的SCOEI,Socionics中ESE类型。"

She's an ESTJ. "10 Signs That You Might Be an Introverted Sensor."-I Learn Quickly From My Mistakes I rarely repeat the same mistakes because I learn a lot through personal experience and make a mental note not to repeat the same pattern again."-4.50-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fszc7KS9Y-I (Te aswell when talking about micro-managing and caring about her father's opinion.). Stabilizer types (Si)- "What's important is what roles a person fulfills, such as mother, brother, manager and so fourth, and whether we fill are roles responsibly. "Si-1.23-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZV-dzgjWH0. Ne is also apparent-"After spending time as the director of creative writing, a job she had by 2002,[18] she was promoted to Senior Vice President of Creative Writing in 2006."


Stephanie McMahon Levesque (born Stephanie Marie McMahon; September 24, 1976), known professionally as Stephanie McMahon, is an American businesswoman and professional wrestling personality. She is the chief brand officer (CBO) of WWE and appears as an on-screen authority figure and occasional wrestler on both the Raw and SmackDown brands.A fourth generation wrestling promoter as a member of the McMahon family, she has worked for WWE since she was a young girl (modeling T-shirts and other merchandise for various WWE catalogs) working her way up to receptionist, then in various front office jobs up to and including her current CBO position.

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