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  2. 游戏
  3. BlazBlue

Platinum the Trinity MBTI性格类型

Platinum the Trinity MBTI性格类型 image


"Platinum the Trinity是什么人格? Platinum the Trinity是MBTI中的ESFP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - - 874,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


A young girl who wields the Nox Nyctores Arma Reboare: Muchourin, which allows her to manifest matter. She has inherited the Nox from Trinity, a member of the Six Heroes, and has 3 different personalities: Luna, a bratty girl, Sena, a kind boy, and Trinity Glassfille, that of the missing sixth hero. She also likes "Mr. Jubei" very much. She later becomes Bang's "third apprentice" and later helps the other Six Heroes stopping Terumi. Her Arcade mode playthroughs are named, in second and third game respectively: Lies and regret and close friend. Her story mode playthrough in the second game is named Scapegoat.
