Yukino Miyazawa MBTI性格类型


"Yukino Miyazawa是什么人格? Yukino Miyazawa是MBTI中的ENTJ人格类型,九型中的3w2 - so/sx - 371,五大类型中的SLOEI,Socionics中LIE类型。"

She's an obvious 3, given her desire to maintain a perfect image in public. Her character development is basically embracing herself and finding people who will truly appreciate her worth, warts and all, which will grant her natural confidence and real self-assurance without sacrificing her effectiveness, starting with Arima, something that all Social Threes have to tackle in order to achieve their virtue. Her cultivation of her identity outside what the society dictates her enables her integration (six), feeling secured by her own skin enough to let others shine for once, connect with people she usually dislikes, and most importantly, to save Arima from his self-loathing to truly define him. And she's Te-Fi user all the way and a well-developed by that. I'll go with ENTJ on Yukino. And also one of the few Threes that I like.


类似Yukino Miyazawa的动漫角色
