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Mark Greene MBTI性格类型

Mark Greene MBTI性格类型 image


"Mark Greene是什么人格? Mark Greene是MBTI中的ISFJ人格类型,九型中的9w1 - sp/so - 935,五大类型中的,Socionics中SLI类型。"

Mark seems like a pretty standard ISFJ. He is kind, emotional, present-focused, and a practical organizer. He demonstrates reliability, predictability, and dislikes chaos and too much change. Mark is rigid, introverted, believes in traditions, and enjoys being able to emotionally connect with others through his work. Compare this to Kerry Weaver (ESTJ) who is outspoken, also organized, but likes to take charge, bring order and structure and will focus on situations while Mark prefers to be the follower and will work with Kerry’s passion for control. As an INTP, I sometimes see a lot of similarities between him and myself but at the end of the day I can’t relate to his incessant belief that things will just work themselves out. I am a pessimist and believe that most things require a great deal of push to actually work out with positive benefit. Mark is a believe that traditional structures will stand tall and come out strong, I just don’t. I also don’t believe he is an ISTJ because I think an ISTJ will relate to me in being somewhat pessimistic towards people’s nature. They push forward against people to make changes themselves. I’d love to get some opinions so let me know if you see differently! Always open for discussion.

