Oscar Proud MBTI性格类型


"Oscar Proud是什么人格? Oscar Proud是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的7w6 - sp/so - ,五大类型中的SLUEN,Socionics中类型。"

He's basically the same type as Sid the Sloth (you can def tell xD). His Te and Si do show at times, though, like when he's being tight-fisted with cash, his strict business sense (and being "all about me," while an ENTP would have more of a selfless, giving side), or protective with his kids. If he was ENTP, he'd be more like Cap Jack Sparrow, Vannellope von Schweetz, Thomas Cresswell, Nikolai Lantsov or even Sticky Webb (who I believe is at least a caricature of some xNTP.). But unfortunately, he's not.

