1. 名人和角色
  2. 音乐
  3. Classic Rock

Stevie Nicks MBTI性格类型


"Stevie Nicks是什么人格? Stevie Nicks是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的4w3 - sx/so - 479,五大类型中的SLUAI,Socionics中IEE类型。"

I think "Landslide" which Nicks wrote as the sole lyricist, makes it evident she isn't a Ni user. She wrote the song when she was at a crossroads in her life, but uncertain of where the future would take her or what direction she should do in the long run. Stay with the band or go back to school? She has no clear idea or answer to what she wants to do. Because she has been open to different options and briefly reflecting on the past on how she got to where she is. Although, she likes to keep her choices "open", she needs to make the choice soon as her (and others) future are depending on it. Besides, her entire persona screams Fi, from her sense of style how she speaks and her sporadic quirkiness aligns more with Ne-Fi than Ni-Fe. I think a lot of people have an idea of what they think an INFJ is but don't realise it's actually an XNFP or ISFP they are thinking of. They would type lady gaga as an INFJ.


Stephanie Lynn "Stevie" Nicks (born May 26, 1948) is an American singer-songwriter.  Nicks is best known for her work as a songwriter and vocalist with Fleetwood Mac, and also for her chart-topping solo career. She is known for her distinctive voice, mystical stage persona and poetic, symbolic lyrics.
