Clive Dove MBTI性格类型


"Clive Dove是什么人格? Clive Dove是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的1w2 - so/sp - 153,五大类型中的RLOEI,Socionics中LSI类型。"

5w6? he strikes me as a lot more 1. not sure what wing, but wasn't his whole motivation literally about wanting to "bring justice" to the scientists/politicians/etc that were behind the time machine? he was mostly driven by his rage at what happened 10 years before the game, and wanted to take revenge on the people who wronged him. a lot of his dialogue was about "making the fools in government change their ways" through force/punishment/etc. he was driven by revenge and (in layton's words) anger, at what he saw as an injustice against him and the others who were affected by the tragedy. the vengeance crusade, the self-righteous talk, the in-game description of having "a part of himself that wanted layton to save him from his own madness".. idk, it strikes me as a lot more unhealthy 1 than anything


#YuriLowenthal Posing as an older Luke, Clive is the instigator of the terrible attack upon London. For years, he cultivated a bitter resentment toward the scientists and politicians involved in his parents' premature deaths. He has expressed a desire for atonement.
