Gustave Flaubert MBTI性格类型


"Gustave Flaubert是什么人格? Gustave Flaubert是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的4w5 - sp/so - 469,五大类型中的,Socionics中IEI类型。"

Just because he writes in a realist style and expounds on details doesn’t mean he’s ISTJ. If Emma is Flaubert’s proxy (which he said she is) then he’s 100% INFP. He’s writing in response to the Romantic movement through a protagonist who has internalized its notions . Emma’s idea of love is divorced from reality, derived from stories, and leads to her financial ruin. Quite literally an xNFP stereotype. People will point out that Flaubert was a stylist, but that’s a reductive statement. His words operate like poetry, and the details are in service to its expression. He’s a self-aware romantic working within the scheme of modernism.


Gustave Flaubert (French: [ɡystav flobɛʁ]; 12 December 1821 – 8 May 1880) was a French novelist. Highly influential, he has been considered the leading exponent of literary realism in his country. He is known especially for his debut novel Madame Bovary (1857), his Correspondence, and his scrupulous devotion to his style and aesthetics.
