Nick Cave MBTI性格类型


"Nick Cave是什么人格? Nick Cave是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的4w5 - sp/sx - 458,五大类型中的RLOEI,Socionics中IEI类型。"

“Personally, I need to see the world through metaphors, symbols and images. It is through images that I can engage meaningfully with the world. The personalising of this invisible notion of the spirit is necessary for me to fully understand it. I find that using the word ‘Christ’ as the actualising symbol of the eternal goodness in all things extremely useful. The Christ in everything makes sense to me — I can see it — and helps me to act more compassionately within the world. It feels to me that sometimes we practise a kind of conditional compassion and reserve our goodwill to those we think deserve it. To practise a form of universal compassion, I find it of considerable value to remember that our love is a lifeline thrown to that pure essentialness, the Christ deep within us, entombed, suffering and yearning for our assistance.“


Nicholas Edward Cave (born 1957) is an Australian-born musician, singer-songwriter, author, screenwriter, composer and occasional film actor, best known as the frontman of the rock band Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. Cave's music is generally characterised by emotional intensity, a wide variety of influences, and lyrical obsessions with death, religion, love and violence.

类似Nick Cave的音乐名人
