1. 名人和角色
  2. 音乐
  3. European, Musicians

Giorgio Moroder MBTI性格类型


"Giorgio Moroder是什么人格? Giorgio Moroder是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的7w6 - - 793,五大类型中的SCUAI,Socionics中IEE类型。"

"Once you free your mind about a concept of Harmony and of music being "correct" You can do whatever you want So, nobody told me what to do And there was no preconception of what to do" Ne


1970s and 1980s musician. Famed for composing and constructing forms of music in various distinct genres: Disco, Dance, New Wave and Rock N' Roll. The Mastermind behind the soundtrack of the 1983 movie "Scarface".
