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Ramuda Amemura MBTI性格类型

Ramuda Amemura MBTI性格类型 image


"Ramuda Amemura是什么人格? Ramuda Amemura是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的7w6 - so/sp - 738,五大类型中的SLUEI,Socionics中EIE类型。"

Personally I feel like he was a 783 at the beginning of the storyline because he lacked the close relationship he has with Fling Posse now. He had no one who truly cared about him and he was only focused on living up to Ichijiku's expectations of him. Because he had no one, he leaned more towards 8 rather than 3 due to the fact that his main goal was staying alive and making sure his image was upheld. After meeting Gentaro and Dice, I feel as though he's moved more towards the 738 tritype. He's opened up a lot and has become more true to himself. He is no longer as alone as he was before and that gave him room to grow. I'm not very good with typing so I might be quite wrong lol


On the exterior, Ramuda gives an impression of a very cheerful, flashy and quite childish person who seeks fun in any given situation. He enjoys clinging to people and playing around with them. Talking with him can be difficult due to his forwardness and frequent lack of tact in his choice of words. He can also be quite mischievous. Due to his appearance and general appeal, he is quite popular with women (he tends to call them "onee-san's"). Behind his childish exterior, Ramuda is cynical and calculative. He usually drops his façade in serious situations, when people are trying to pry into his past or angering him in one way or another. Despite that, Ramuda can't help but be passionate when it comes to his friends, although he's not supposed to feel anything towards them to begin with.
