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Eun Hwi (TNX) MBTI性格类型

Eun Hwi (TNX) MBTI性格类型 image


"Eun Hwi (TNX)是什么人格? Eun Hwi (TNX)是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的3w4 - sp/sx - 784,五大类型中的SCUEI,Socionics中ILE类型。"

I think ExTP fits him, though I have to admit it's mostly a vibe since I don't see much Fi from him, more of Fe (his lyrics go like "you're going to feel intimidated by me, heh". Even though his MBTI type is ENTP, I'm going to have to guess ESTP, since I think he seems more... practical? His songs often include a lot of intense, feel-good beats based on specific scenarios, like CCHILL being more club music, while Safety Pin is more hard-hitting military, which comes across to me as Se. More of an opportunist overall, and quite practical as well - he mostly just asks for a self-producing group and the speakers in Pnation to be casted. But you know, I'm flexible, since Soyeon writes like him and she's typed Ti-dom. Edit: okay never mind, I'm removing my vote because he actually seems quite reclusive which is unusual for an Se dom, so it might just be a stage thing. Probably xxTP


Eun Hwi (은휘) Born november 11, 2004, is a South Korean trainee and singer-songwriter under P NATION. He is a member of the upcoming boy group TNX.

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