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Jay (ENHYPEN) MBTI性格类型 image


"Jay (ENHYPEN)是什么人格? Jay (ENHYPEN)是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的3w4 - sp/so - 387,五大类型中的SLOAI,Socionics中ILE类型。"

I really admire this dude as a person. Honestly, I usually relate to people but in a very shallow way, i think its just my ne-fe being good at seeing connections but I don't really care about connecting to someone deeply anyways. Jay is the only public figure i really relate too. So watching how he acts and reading his interviews, ngl creeps me out a little cuz he's literally just a guy version of me (well ofc he's a much more talented, richer, and successful version of me lol). I mean- we're both ENTP with the same tritype and both so doms ig lol. So i really took time with this analysis(it took me 2 months lmao). Admittedly it's not complete, I do lack some statements from him that proves my argument( i think roSeNelle did better in this department than me). Well i lack time to investigate further plus this is already way too long (have a drink if you can!). But i dig deeper with my arguments before. Any feedback would be appreciated:> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oS9V8Za5IB51YKHnH61wDhFd4yjPMO0OuX9bDCIbTAM/edit?usp=sharing


Jay, whose real name is Park Jongseong (Hangul: 박종성), is a member of ENHYPEN, a K-pop boygroup that belongs to BELIFT LAB. He gained recognition after participating in a reality survival show called I-LAND, where he emerged as the runner-up.

