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Ken Jennings MBTI性格类型

Ken Jennings MBTI性格类型 image


"Ken Jennings是什么人格? Ken Jennings是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的5w4 - so/sp - 531,五大类型中的SCOAI,Socionics中LII类型。"

He seems more INTJ to me. Sure he may have some "Ne" characteristics but he also seems very conscientious compared to an IxTP like Holzhauer who is more of a goofball. Edit because for whatever reason I have to bump up an old thread just to comment (TERRIBLE PDB feature): He seems to have Delta judgmentalism, looking down at people who are less civilized and intelligent/knowledgeable then he (Trump supporters for instance), however not exactly holding it against them but trying to help bring them more up to his level. I don't exactly see PoLR Ni however I think he'd be LSE due to his orientation to factual information. I do not think he is an irrational, focused on states of his own mind and body which would leave EII as the other option but I doubt 1D Te can make a Jeopardy champ.


Kenneth Wayne Jennings III is an American game show contestant and author. He is the highest-earning American game show contestant of all time. Jennings holds the record for the longest winning streak on the U.S. game show Jeopardy! with 74 wins.
