1. 名人和角色
  2. 电视
  3. The Boys (2019)

Black Noir 2.0 MBTI性格类型


"Black Noir 2.0是什么人格? Black Noir 2.0是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的7w6 - sx/sp - 793,五大类型中的SCUAI,Socionics中IEE类型。"

Based from his appearances he seems to be focused way more on finding ways to get into character as Black Noir by discussing the motivations of his character with his Teammates, what drives him to be who he is, how he should react to stuff etc, which is very Fi Creative, he often wants to discuss with A-Train, Ashley and The Deep of ways he can do this which seems to be very Ne Base and 2L even Oh and from that reaction to beating those guys to death was very 3F and the fact he needs constant direction from other people and berates them for not giving him any directions is very 4V, So far he strikes me as an IEE Sx7 ELFV Edit: Based from Episode 6 he still shows a lot of IEE ELFV characteristics 1. Whines and complains that he was left at the tower alongside The Deep and that they don’t matter is very IEE “A typical trait of the IEE in their home life is the ability to whine, complain, effectively demonstrate their helplessness, and get other people’s sympathy without fear of appearing ridiculous or pathetic.” 2. His dislike of Violence actually proves the 3F argument even further 3. His bragging about his internal content and distain for vought is elaborated more on the fact that they’re not giving him his full potential is Ne Base on every level, infact he’s been doing this since episode 3, oh and in his Audition tape the dude reeks of Ne, Smugly says he can fly and he can give them acting monologues etc “I studied performing arts at Godolkin. I did Cirque de Vought in Montreal. You didn't hire me to stand around like a ******* oak tree.” “I’m going to Missouri, They’re gonna let me fly, I can fly do you know that” Plus he kinda reminds me of Deadpool and Vigilante


Shortly after this man's birth, his parents accepted Vought's offer to inject him with Compound V, subsequently transforming him into a Supe and granting him superhuman powers and abilities. At some point in his life, this Supe would be entrusted by Vought International to replace the original Black Noir, who died at the hands of Homelander.
