Tine MBTI性格类型


"Tine是什么人格? Tine是MBTI中的ESFJ人格类型,九型中的3w2 - so/sx - ,五大类型中的SCOAN,Socionics中ESE类型。"

Now, I've changed my vote to ESFJ. He was an ESFP in a book but not on the show. I'll tell you why. Fe: His Fe is more obvious. He's not completely in tune with his feelings. He was very oblivious to his romantic feelings for Sarawat. He realized it later... obviously, it was little late. He also used Fe to try to manipulate Green but yet, he tried to save his ass...how sweet of him. Si: He's good at remembering things as well such as "my brother used to play Scrubb all the time", his experiences with ex-girlfriends and he talked about his experience in concerts. He talks about his past. He's also pretty much nostalgic. Ne: He takes an advantage of it to be defensive. He also use it for his artistic side like cheerleading and guitar (he recently learned it) His Ni doesn't seem obvious because he's not focused on the future. He prefers Ne. His Ne is basically like, "How can this be known/understood?" Ti: It helps him to analyze the information he has collected from his Fe and Si. That's how he realized his romantic feelings for Sarawat. He then confronted him.

