1. 名人和角色
  2. 卡通
  3. Watch-Car (2015)

Leo (Mind Controlled) MBTI性格类型

Leo (Mind Controlled) MBTI性格类型 image


"Leo (Mind Controlled)是什么人格? Leo (Mind Controlled)是MBTI中的INTP人格类型,九型中的5w6 - sp/so - 135,五大类型中的RLUEI,Socionics中SLE类型。"

Leo (The Mind-controlled ver) is an UNHEALTHY INTP. I have checked through articles and it matches him. He's cold and cynical, thinking everyone is below him and that they need karma, such as with his bullies or Roy himself. Hubris He could also be seen as impulsive and obsessed when fighting with Roy in the match, not thinking or considering others and ignores how his actions can affect others (except Frone). Where he could be seen attacking the bullies, he had his own rules and attacked them head on as if he had no rules to follow. I have seen that stubbornness and passive aggressiveness, he was persistent as f- when fighting Roy and never gave up (which is a good trait) but he was like holding his grudge and didn't want Roy to change his ideas and thoughts. He was passive aggressive meeting Roy and his gang and used his death stare to shut down their thoughts and opinion, meaning he didn't want anyone to change him. Looking at him, he probably didn't know how to cope with his emotions anymore after being "betrayed" by Roy (Sounds kinda gay/j). He was hostile and also dismissive. In some way, I can see him being manipulative and sarcastic, he has been manipulated both by Chongsu (the guy who gave him the Watch Key and is the leader of all Monster Watch Cars) and the bullies and now he wants to project it onto others, maybe guilt tripping Roy whenever he sees him about him hurting Frone to which Roy has no idea but still feel kind of guilty, even if the bullies framed Roy.


This Mind Controlled Leo is cold, cynical, impulsive, intelligent and Roy's friend and nemesis.
