1. 名人和角色
  2. 电影
  3. The Monkey King

Monkey King MBTI性格类型


"Monkey King是什么人格? Monkey King是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - sp/sx - 738,五大类型中的SLUEI,Socionics中类型。"

"The Social Three has a desire to be seen and to have influence with people. This three acts out in vanity through the desire to shine before the whole world: Social Threes enjoy being on stage. This subtype is the most vain of the Threes, and the biggest chameleon. The name given to this subtype is "Prestige," which reflects the idea of needing everybody's admiration and applause. This Three, more than the other two subtypes, likes and needs to be recognized, so they tend to be more out in front, basking in the spotlight. As children, it was typically important for Social Threes to "show" something, to look good and demonstrate competence in doing things, to get love. Support most likely came in the form of an approving "look" from parents." "The Social Three is very concerned with competition and winning. This is the most competitive Three. They are also focused on power, whether or not they are the one who has it. They tend to be demanding and authoritarian, though these characteristics may be hidden behind a presentation that is smooth, decorous, and humorous. Social Threes may view others in terms of how they potentially further or block the process of reaching their goals. They look at things in terms of how they can exert control over them, and they don't allow themselves to be surprised by life. The Social Three is also the most aggressive of the Threes, possessing a strong and assertive character. Because they are good at numbing out their feelings, they can - in the extreme - be cold."


类似Monkey King的电影角色
