1. 名人和角色
  2. 电影
  3. Sicario (2015)

Kate Macer MBTI性格类型


"Kate Macer是什么人格? Kate Macer是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的9w8 - - 962,五大类型中的,Socionics中ESI类型。"

I thought ISTJ at first but nah, her Fi morals is way too strong. Her Se is pretty apparent in her actions and quick in the moment thinking but that damn Fi of hers gets in the way. Also wouldve given her a enneagram 1 but shes a tad to go with the flow, but def 8 wing although she doesnt instigate confrontation, she becomes confrontational when her Fi is challenged by the environment and circumstance around her like when with Graver. Ni and Te got no good examples but its present. INFP? Dont make me laugh literaly no Ne or Si demonstrated and INFP's would most likely perform very poorly in this profession. Ik im stereotyping but the only place I can see INFP's doing gunfights or busting cartels etc is in their own heads. Not saying its impossible just improbable.


An FBI agent recruited by the CIA to track down a druglord operating between the USA and Mexico.
