Joy MBTI性格类型


"Joy是什么人格? Joy是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的9w8 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

(1/3) I know because Joy sacrifices her needs for her loved ones, people will probably assume she is an Fe-user, but I can't help but see Joy as an Fi-user. Her stress comes from putting herself in the shoes of so many people, relating to them, and trying to cater to their needs (Fi), rather than using moral heuristics and social norms to navigate social settings (Fe). For those new to the cognitive functions or curious about the definitions I am using, I have a guide to all 8 here: I don't even mind if people vote her as an INFP (I personally don't see her as inferior Te though). I know Joy uses a lot of Si, and it's harder to argue for her Ne besides the various thought bubbles she has all at once, the imagery of being covered in piles of "issues," and the imagery of the "box" being used to represent sharing her feelings, etc. Nevertheless, her Fi is undeniable to me. As an Fi-user, her internal thoughts are just so relatable- especially the inner conflict of her thoughts trying to balance being accommodating with her own needs. I feel this is the side of xNFPs media so often fails to portray. Here are some quotes that remind me of Fi > Fe: "Your dad sounds like he sucks." [Joy's response to Aerie after knowing her for only a few moments and after Aerie told Joy how her dad was homophobic] [To Sunoh after he lied to her] "Sunoh. I'm here to tell you I'm mad. It's not just that [you lied to me]. Do I even have to explain? If there ever is someone else, don't treat them this way. At first I really wanted to be nice. But now.. I resent you." [Her inner thoughts]: When was the last time I was mad for my own sake? I'm cutting off ties. The fact that I don't need to face these people.. it gave me courage. It pains me to be mad. They resent me for being mad. Why do I end up getting resented? Why did I resent them? If I stayed quiet. We would've gotten along like before. [Joy starts thinking about how her mom told her about how her dad r*ped her] Either you cope until the end, or not cope at all. Why get me tied up in all of it? I've resented my mom since that day 2 years ago. Now, if I complain about my issues.. if all my resentment came back to me..I have neither the strength..or the confidence to stay here. I just lacked the courage. Maybe I knew what I wanted all along. Otherwise, there's no way I'd be so calm." [all of this said as she takes her bags and leaves home without saying anything to anyone]. Joy's general advice to Aerie whenever she has a conflict is to say, "maybe you should just be direct" or "ask her in person, you shouldn't jump to conclusions." [To Hunter] "I'm crossing the line? Hunter, let me give it to you straight. What we have between us. That's all there'll ever be. [Joy internally thinks: You have no right to put me on the spot like this.] [When Hunter asks how come Joy is mad whenever Aerie is involved, Joy angrily thinks]: "What else should I be mad about then? [Thinks of Hunter's s*xual assault] Am I even allowed to be mad? It all started with curiosity. Curiosity. Can I ask how far the curiosity actually went?" [To Hunter]: "Whoever I like, or don't like, it's none of your business. I've never seen you as more than a friend, and I never will. You go alone. I'm not going, and from now on, stop barging in all unannounced." [When Hunter says she's acting weird, Joy thinks]: "Yup, of course I'm being weird today. Can't stand it, can't act like nothing's wrong, sick of hiding and making excuses, sick of coping with disgusting experiences, can't stand you playing victim all the time. I'm sick of feeling like I'm the odd one out.. I'm going to tell [my mom about how Hunter assaulted me]. I'm going to tell her. I'm telling her. I'm telling her." [Joy gets to her mom's place]: "We need to talk!" [But when Hunter's mom is there, Joy thinks]: "I'm gonna tell her. Don't think, stop smiling, I'm gonna say what I need to. Stop.. stop thinking, I'm gonna tell her! I've done what I can." [internal thoughts]: "What use was there in sharing... all the issues that I chose to leave behind. Why did I share them with Aerie? She always asked me.. ['Something's wrong, right?'] Looking back, I was never given that privilege. I also avoided questions. Everyone just brushing it off as a 'joke.' So I couldn't open up to anyone until now. Aerie became a safe space, where I could be true to myself. Thank you. I love you! Thank you. I love you! Thank you. I love you! Thank you. I love you! Thank you. I love you! Thank you. I love you!"

