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  2. 游戏
  3. Final Fantasy Tactics

Ramza Beoulve MBTI性格类型


"Ramza Beoulve是什么人格? Ramza Beoulve是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的9w1 - so/sx - 945,五大类型中的,Socionics中IEI类型。"

A gentle soul who goes along with things at first, while demonstrating easy leadership ability from the start - 9w8. I've known this kind of leaderly 9w8 well, and known some other idealist flavors of definite 9w8, never the "stoner" stereotype. There's ideal in the sense of good and ideal in the sense of a principle (which can easily be a very good principle, it's just more 1ish in structure/language/execution). Ramza uses some 1ish language of his milieu such as "honor" (also a favorite of one of the 9w8s at my old D&D table! and sometimes seen with older, angstier 8s on TV), but he does also insult or taunt sometimes. From the first battle, he's decisive in giving instructions, says "Don't patronize me, Delita!" and doesn't show any reluctance to fight. He's genuinely sad for the bandits that they "chose" conflict, but, before hearing about Wiegraf and Milleuda's motivations, his view at the start of the game is that these people's "early grave" was their choice, not his. Although other factors in the 9 mitigate it, 9w8s can borrow a bit of 8s' ability to deny moral responsibility when it suits 9y purposes, in contrast with 9w1s' passive/anti-action version of the 1 worldview that the moral world is personally on their shoulders, which makes "blood on their hands" a big struggle. His journey and ideals are actually relatively personal-level compared to the abstract ideals and lofty goals of other characters and the scope of the plot, especially during the time where he responds to corruption in his powerful noble house by becoming a mercenary. Even later on, Wiegraf appealing to ideals doesn't distract Ramza for a second from what Wiegraf is doing and what Ramza is trying to do. Ramza's idealism is something that happens in the moment, less "one day there will be justice for all" and more putting one do-gooder foot in front of the other.


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