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  2. 电视
  3. Hierarchy

Jung Jae-Yi MBTI性格类型

Jung Jae-Yi MBTI性格类型 image


"Jung Jae-Yi是什么人格? Jung Jae-Yi是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的4w3 - so/sp - 486,五大类型中的RLUEN,Socionics中类型。"

Why is she an INTJ? There is no intuitive, visionary or abstract element in her thinking. Let me recap her story for you, she is a rich girl with a controlling father and feels trapped because she can't be herself. She feels sympathy for scholarship students because she feels they are trapped in a cruel environment, like she is trapped in her home. She is completely emotionally absorbed and pushes people away to process her emotions. Midway into the show, she gets tired of trying to be perfect for her father and starts to show a bit of her real self. Her entire journey is about learning to be open with her own desires, wishes, and sense of self, that she has been hiding inside her for so long (Fi). She is not an ISTP either. Is she a logical thinker? Tell me one thing she did in the entire show that would prove she uses logic to guide her actions. She is not an Enneagram 1 either. E1s want to be perfect by themselves, not due to external pressure. They want to be perfect because they think that the world is full of problems. Jae-i is controlled and perfectionistic because her father wants her to be like that. Her father is an E1, not her. She is a 4, concerned with her emotional identity.

