Monster 5 MBTI性格类型


"Monster 5是什么人格? Monster 5是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的9w8 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


"Your fear allows me to enter your mind. Your obligation allows me to control your hands. Your reason allows me to break your eyes. Your guilt allows me to loosen your neck. Your expectation allows me to hide the truth. Your tendencies have allowed me to make you" Monster 5 is encountered while going through the maze to the Isolation Zone. It does not fluidly move, but instead, it constantly teleports very short distances ahead, although it also occasionally teleport much farther distances. It moves faster than the player can walk, so conserving stamina during its brief chase is strongly recommended when the player navigates the maze. This monster cannot teleport through walls.

类似Monster 5的游戏角色
