Lyle Menendez MBTI性格类型


"Lyle Menendez是什么人格? Lyle Menendez是MBTI中的ESTP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - SX8 - 837,五大类型中的SLUEN,Socionics中SEE类型。"

a stereotypical Se dom , dont know where did you all see the Te his Se is obvious his actions are impulsive and thrill seeking , driven by dominant Se. His lavish lifestyle and the sudden decision to kill his parents reflect the desire for immediate gratification i mean his dominant Se is evident in his present focused behavior, acting swiftly without deep consideration for long term consequences. He reacts to immediate circumstances, showing a preference for action over reflection. His auxiliary Ti is seen in his internal logic, justifying his actions in a way that makes sense to him personally, even if it's morally questionable. Lastly, his inferior Ni shows in his lack of foresight and inability to grasp the broader implications of his actions, focusing solely on resolving his immediate discomfort


类似Lyle Menendez的电视角色
