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  2. 游戏
  3. Court Of Darkness

Toa Qelsum MBTI性格类型


"Toa Qelsum是什么人格? Toa Qelsum是MBTI中的ISTJ人格类型,九型中的1w9 - - 163,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

Toa shows much self-restraint in a way to avoid evil. I think that he most definitely shows himself as a 1, based on his intentions and reasons. He holds his feelings towards y/n back because he doesn't want to be seen as an irresponsible prince/be punished for his actions (hence the 3 and 6 fixes). I think that ISTJ suits him the most because his child Fi is slowly pulled out of him by y/n, while his Si and Te were already there from the start - being the prince he HAS to be a "certain" way and is very objective in his words. When looking at his perspectives, he struggles to express what he truly thinks from his heart, and I believe that ISTJ 1s struggle a lot with this. You really have to push them to get out an honest word. I say that he's a w9 because he, especially in the beginning of the story, submits to his sister and everyone else in his kingdom. He also has a very calm but cold nature to him. I think that a w2 would express themselves more. He really gets hung up on how he treats y/n when he's mean to her, so I think that's another reason as to why I chose Si over Ni. Other than that, I am unsure about the rest of his typology, but I'll add things anyway with the help of my gut feeling. Don't take those votes too seriously!

