Kurt Vonnegut MBTI性格类型


"Kurt Vonnegut是什么人格? Kurt Vonnegut是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的5w4 - sp/sx - 548,五大类型中的SCUEI,Socionics中类型。"

I have no doubt about him leading with Ne but I was sure he’s 5w6 until i watched his documentary by Robert Weide (it’s a precious thing, go watch it) — and now i don’t know what to think anymore. He seemed to have spent his whole life reframing bad memories and sad events as a means to survive (E7?). If someone’s watched it, please let me know what you think.


Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (November 11, 1922 — April 11, 2007) was an American science fiction writer. His work is known for its satirical, anti-authoritarian, humanist, absurdist and often brutally depressing worldview. If this worldview can be pinned down to one event, it would be the bombing of Dresden. Vonnegut is also notable because he was one of the first modern science fiction authors to get serious attention in the literary world. Although your literature professors (and Vonnegut himself) may try to tell you he's not actually a science fiction writer, the aliens and time-travel seem to disagree.
