Apricot MBTI性格类型


"Apricot是什么人格? Apricot是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的9w8 - so/sp - 972,五大类型中的SCUAI,Socionics中类型。"

Hello! For starters, I agree with the consensus—Apricot is almost definitely an ENFP. Ne seems to be their dominant function. Examples of this include: “Explores many topics on surface level, but sticks to a few.” “Can come up with new methods and ideas, but rarely implements them.” (is also inferior Te) “They now love to take part in pretty much anything.” I believe Fi is their auxiliary function. “Their strategies mainly consist of diplomacy and gut-feeling.” “They don’t like asking for help without being helpful themselves.” (It seems to be a core value of theirs, so I classed it under Fi) “Finds their own emotions important, but draining to deal with.” It looks like they have either inferior Ti (doesn’t need logical consistency), Te, and Si (not a nostalgic person, wants to approach the future at their own pace). Ne > Fi > Se > Fe > Ti > Te > Ni > Si Thanks again for typing me.


Apricot is a person whose job is to connect different dimensions. Usually cheerful and optimistic, she enjoys meeting new people and exploring new places. She also likes group activities and is usually laid back. She dives into a few topics at once and likes drawing, though she has a simple art style.
