Lariessa De Balloa MBTI性格类型


"Lariessa De Balloa是什么人格? Lariessa De Balloa是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的4w3 - sx/sp - 478,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

She reminds me a lot of Linton Heathcliff; weak willed, easily swayed and very peevish with a sickly, almost morbid health. Her morbid looks and peevish personality might be due to the genetic inbreeding which was not uncommon among the royal families or highborn nobles of that era, as well. The Hapsburg jaw was quite notorious as well as the madness of the Wittelsbach family; the two royal families were well known for their generations of inbred marriages. Elisabeth, the empress of Austria, was also a result of an incestuous marriage and she herself was married to her cousin(the emperor) and their son Rudolf(who was declared almost as “morbid” as his mother, who was known to be very irritable and hard to please) possessed a very delicate personality as well.


Duchess. Fiancee of Prince Alfonso of the kingdom of Gallico.

类似Lariessa De Balloa的网漫角色
