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  2. 游戏
  3. Octopath Traveler 2

Osvald V. Vanstein MBTI性格类型

Osvald V. Vanstein MBTI性格类型 image


"Osvald V. Vanstein是什么人格? Osvald V. Vanstein是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的5w6 - sp/so - ,五大类型中的RLOEI,Socionics中类型。"

Having finished the demo and play Osvald's first he's very much a INTJ Ni - He spend years working on his plan to escape the prison going down to the last detail to make sure everything went smoothing, he gathers whatever information he can find to see if something sticks from the amount of time of the beating to the routine of where the guards go and for how long, when his plan ultimately didn't went as he hope he needing Emerald (Who's most likely has a strong Ne function in him) help to think of a plan b. Te - Osvald is very matter of fact when it comes to how he comes across to other people and such doesn't say much unless he has something in mind to say it, this also comes from his work as well, searching for a purpose and an end goal to his studies/research instead of just doing it for knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Fi - I will have to first go over his wing before speaking more on this but out of all the enneagram list 4 is the closely that fits him, while he is dealing with anger Osvald doesn't work as a 1 user (outside from being part of his Tritype) because Osvald isn't an idealist or has a high standard attitude toward others, he isn't a 5 either as he's not greed by knowledge or money and he isn't afraid to ask others for help however I do see some 5 in him that could maybe be part of his wing, he's not in it for Fame or Power like a 3 or 8, isn't in it to help others like a 2, isn't anxious, suspicious of others or in it for security reasons like a 6, and there's no way this guy is a 7 or 9. He's very passion in his work to the point that he wanting to be the first to discover his research, his feeling of betrayal by someone he trust and the lost of his family left him a broken man seeking very hard powerful vengeance. "Harvey—the man who took everything from me— shall die by my hand. I swear it." "Not even the bitter cold can extinguish the raging fire in your breast. And so you set out to exact your revenge..." I don't think his Sin is Anger, I think it's Envy, wondering why he got send to prison for a criminal he didn't commit, why he lost his family over his research etc. there's nothing Fe in his train of mind or action about him what so ever he just wants revenge for himself for his own grief. Se - This is a little tricky as outside from him paid attention of how the prison works his Se is underdeveloped in fact we see more of his Si than we do on his Se....... that is unless his we can say his Demon function is kicking in often due to Osvald being in a bad mentally state if his dreams are anyway to go by and that's why we're seeing more of his Si side than his Se. I think Osvald is a very unique take of the Black Mage archetype so far and hope to see what's more at store for him.


A scholar whose family was tragically killed by one of his colleagues, Osvald has spent 5 years in prison since he was framed for their murder. Intent on escape and killing Harvey, the man who took everything from him, Osvald is now on a mission for revenge.
