1. 名人和角色
  2. 动漫
  3. White Album 2

Chiaki Izumi MBTI性格类型


"Chiaki Izumi是什么人格? Chiaki Izumi是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的7w8 - sx/so - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Chiaki Izumi (泉 千晶 Izumi Chiaki) is a lazy girl who shares the same lectures as Haruki Kitahara . She is one of his only friends and thus usually sticks close to him. Izumi is a constantly slacking problem student that Haruki Kitahara can’t help but look after. She is a woman who doesn’t act like one and a friendly girl who doesn’t seem to be caught up in any drama and she has no relation to the events in IC. Closing chapter spoilers: It turns out that she is an actress and her persona in front of Haruki is just a facade made so that she can learn more about the "incident" that happened in highschool She even went as far as to sleep with him and faked love so that she could have an emotionally moving story to act out End is happy tho, read the vn

类似Chiaki Izumi的动漫角色
