Avery Price MBTI性格类型


"Avery Price是什么人格? Avery Price是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的5w6 - so/sx - 782,五大类型中的,Socionics中LIE类型。"


Avery Jarrett Price (born March 17, 1988) is Joseph and Lindsey's longtime good friend and Leonardo's cousin who is a comedian and who had discovered over-priced bread in the episode "Cold Cases". He is shown to also be good friends with Wayne, as both he and him, along with Minelli, work together at Plotant. Jahmireon "J.J." Cunningham and Tiffany Adams, students at Plotagon High School, are distant relatives of his as well. He made his debut in Joseph & Lindsey's premiere episode, introducing himself as well as Joseph and Lindsey. Later on, he started appearing often, and during season 21, he was one of the main characters. Courtney is an ex-girlfriend of Avery's that he broke up with because she flirted with his younger brother Lyndale, who, along with Avery, disapproved of her actions.
