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  2. 文学
  3. The 39 Clues

Grace Cahill MBTI性格类型


"Grace Cahill是什么人格? Grace Cahill是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的2w3 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

Grace used to be a very adventurous person even in her late years. Something in the way she used to interact with Amy and Dan makes me think she's a feeler.


Beatrice's younger sister, Hope's mother, and Amy and Dan's grandmother, she was one of the last genuinely nice Cahills. Amy and Dan were her favorites, and they spent almost every weekend with her. After her death, her will offered either one million dollars or a hint to the first clue to select relatives.

类似Grace Cahill的文学角色
