1. 名人和角色
  2. 动漫
  3. Kaiju No. 8

Kafka Hibino MBTI性格类型

Kafka Hibino MBTI性格类型 image


"Kafka Hibino是什么人格? Kafka Hibino是MBTI中的ESFP人格类型,九型中的7w6 - so/sx - 792,五大类型中的SLUAI,Socionics中ESE类型。"

He's mid 30 and his inferior function ni should be somewhat developed. Its funny how he has developed that function in during a form of mid-life crisis(stress=inf function grip) and realised his ideals/dreams. Its still inferior with him and he does not use it too often, just healthly enough. Also ESFPs, secondary users of fi, wont have a terrible fe despite using te. They have fe critic (6th) they prolly often feel selfish and as if they dont value other people's feelings enough with this critic (if healthy). So I think he's an ESE because of his critic. And ESE is possible for Esfps despite being more suitable for ESFJs. Also I think he's a so8, the most intellectual and socially acceptable subtype of eights. He often shows protective feelings towards his friends and wont listen the rules, and he'll use his kaiju. (later on this'll be a problem, he guesses this too because of stepping into his ni but still not enough ne/ni to morph the future, he cant plan anything but simply accepts; it is what it is=se) Lastly, he has an obsession going on with that captain girl, this both could be interpreted as fi and sx8; he's sp blind but i think everyone that has watched the show realised his sp blindness xD + He cant stay away from using his kaiju and being a part of the action=se and he often gives suitable info to his friends about kaijus to defeat them =te. He has an experience when it comes to kaijus, it is si but 5th function being developed is just normal. I dont think he's an si developed ENFP, he cant stay away from action and he does not understand the politics of the kaiju world, aka big picture. Extremely sensory (like E8 type of sensory) hasnt got a big philosophy, he just wants to unite with his childhood crush.


Kafka Hibino (日比野のカフカ, Hibino Kafuka), also known as Kaiju No. 8 (怪獣8号), is the main protagonist of the Kaiju No. 8 manga series. Kafka has a comically childish personality but is determined and dedicated in more serious situations, doing everything he can to succeed. Kafka is a very caring individual, and will often go out of his way to look out for others, save them from danger, and scold them for not taking better care of themselves, to the point of tending to disregard his own well-being in favor of others. Due to his very caring nature, Kafka does his best not to disappoint those who believe in him, since doing so hurts him deeply in his pride. - Kaiju No. 8 Wiki
