1. 名人和角色
  2. 艺术
  3. Writers (Literature, Modern)

Marya Hornbacher MBTI性格类型


"Marya Hornbacher是什么人格? Marya Hornbacher是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的3w4 - - ,五大类型中的SLOEI,Socionics中类型。"


Marya Justine Hornbacher is an American author and freelance journalist. Her book Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia, is an autobiographical account of her struggle with eating disorders, written when she was twenty-three. This is the book which originally brought attention to Hornbacher.

类似Marya Hornbacher的艺术名人
